THANKS to all that came out last week. We made great strides on wing number one. This week it looks like Wed's temperatures will be perfect for finishing wing 1 and starting wing 2. We will plan to start at 4pm. If you haven't come out yet read the blog for the taping sequence,Our resident nonfiction author, Kent "Hemingway" Misegades gave an excellent step by step of the operation, on the blog, which is essential to follow so check it out to familiarize yourself.
On the RV7 wings front, besides one wing being essentially done and one top skin being installed on wing 2, Joel and I continue to make good progress on the fuel tank. For anyone contemplating building a fuel tank, the cartridges of proseal are the hot ticket, especially with the mixing device we acquired (see below).

Proseal mixer - makes a terrible job less terrible.

Proseal cartridges - Yum!

Proseal two-part mixture - Yuk!
I received a good evaluation of both this week when I assisted JP assemble his RV12 tank this week using the quart can of proseal and the messy measuring it requires. By the way, JP's -12 is looking good! As a side note, I realized, as I was wiring up the fuel sender in the 7 wing yesterday, I have worked on an RV7,8,9, 10 and 12 in the past month or so. I only have the 3,4,and 6 to go and I have have worked on the entire Vans product line! Besides the wiring session yesterday, Joel and I managed to put in 3 or was it 4 sessions(don't remember lasting effects of MEK) last week(with help from JP and Noel), and ended up running out of proseal Friday night at 10pm. More tank sealant is on the way and should be here this week from Cali. The tank ribs are all in, the capacitive fuel sender is mostly complete, the vent line is in, and what remains is the back baffle, z wing attach brackets, and fuel pickup I know it seems progress has slowed on the 'Coupe itself but use this time to familiarize yourself with the myriad of systems that even a small aircraft, like the SA7 , have. It is an excellent opportunity to view the Orndorf Videos available from the vast skunkworks library. Also it would be nice if someone purchased and donated the all the Tony Bingelis firewall forward books to the effort. They contain virtually everything you need to know about this important aspect of home-building, and should be required reading. It is always about the money, and the funds from the -7 wings will really help to ease the finances on the Skycoupe.
As a final note be thinking about those expired biennials and long dormant skills. Don't wait until the 'Coupe is flying to get current!
See you Wed!
One RV-7 tank done! Ain't she pretty!
One RV-7 wing nearly done! Ain't she pretty! (No, it does not have a fabric-covered trailing edge - that's the Skycoupe wing in th ebackgroun - old tech meets new tech.)

Terry and Joel study the plans - measure twice, cut once!

Naked wing frame readied for the skins.

Andy and Terry hard at work on RV-7 and RV-9. Can you have too many projects?
Shiny new skins riveted on the ribs - starting to look more fly-able now.