A Stitts Skycoupe Restoration Project

The Stitts Skycoupe is also known as Stitts SA7 D

Friday, December 7, 2012

Work Session 12/6/2012

Terry, J-P, Konrad, Jim, Andy, Joel and Kent met from 4-8 at the Skunk Works and made progress on the seats and air intake. J-P was aided by others in some detail work on his RV-12.

The Skycoupe's new hangar

Terry and J-P discuss work on the RV-12

Jim clecos the stiffener angles on the seat back and bottom

Seats, reader for riveting

Conrad (Konrad's friend), Andy, Joel and Konrad discuss attachment of the air intake to the lower cowl

Andy trims the composite air intake

Copper tubing works well for making smooth, symmetric trim lines

Skycoupe in its voluminous hangar


  1. What a beautiful piece! I think the team did a pretty good job with this one. It’s shaping quite well in these photos and I’m sure that it looks amazing once it is done. Years of hard work will have paid off once you see her flying up in the sky!


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