A Stitts Skycoupe Restoration Project

The Stitts Skycoupe is also known as Stitts SA7 D

Monday, October 24, 2011

Work Session 10/19/2011

The Wednesday work session went pretty well. Andy, Jim, Paul, Mike, Martha, Kelly and I forget her husband's name were there. We did our last practice stitching then uncovered the wing in preparation for recovering. We got the sheet aluminum measured and put away. We started fabricating an attachment to the fuselage rotating jig to hold the wing vertical. I finished this new jig Thursday and think it will expedite the stitching process. I was interested in having two evening sessions to recover the wing next week, and then maybe one on Sat. to get everything polybrushed (temperature dependent). We can then take stock of our supplies and see how much more fabric we need.

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