A Stitts Skycoupe Restoration Project

The Stitts Skycoupe is also known as Stitts SA7 D

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Work Session 8/4/2012

A good turnout on this relatively cool Saturday morning allowed us to make good progress on several fronts:

A small leak in the RV-7 fuel tank was isolated and corrected with tank sealant.

One wing was final-sanded and is now ready for its final white coat.

The second wing was prepped by Chuck Borsuk and received its first two coats of Poly-Spray (silver coat) by Terry.

Next work sessions:

Sunday, August 5th, Joel and Terry will meet at 3PM to close up the RV-7 wing.

Sunday, August 5th, a few people are needed at 5PM to sand the 2nd wing prior to its receiving the finish silver coats.

Tuesday August 7th, a few people are needed at 5PM to give the 2nd wing its final sanding.

What's next?

1. White finish coats for all flying surfaces.
2. Transport flying surfaces to Chuck Borsuk's hangar at Franklin County for storage.
3. Finish RV-7 wings and sell all RV-7 components.
4. Focus on Skycoupe fuselage, especially the firewall forward, airbox & cowl, seats & panel.

Triple Tree - is rapidly approaching.  Kent will have a small booth there again which will serve as a Bear Creek / EAA1114 meeting place near the campgrounds.  Workshops for fabric covering, sheet metal fabrication and composites will be offered. If you did not attend last year, consider it this year.  We expect a large group of EAA 1114 members to be there.   See this link for details for the Fly-In, which takes place this year on 6-9 September.

Tim and JP with the leaking RV-7 fuel tank.

 Tim applies sealant to the culprit - a coax cable.

Left wing, prepped by Chuck Borsuk, ready for Poly Spray (silver coat).

Dr. Gardner prepares for the operation.

Terry at work - it was hot in there!

Michael and J-P wet sanding the right wing.
Tim inspects Terry's work on the left wing.

Tim and Terry admire the first two silver coats.

J-P and Michael wet sanding the right wing under Terry's watchful eye.

Right wing, after sanding, ready for finish coats.

Right wing, after sanding, ready for finish coats.

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