A Stitts Skycoupe Restoration Project

The Stitts Skycoupe is also known as Stitts SA7 D

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Work Session 10/27/2012

Terry, Kent, Andy and Joel met at 0700 for a hearty breakfast at Al's Diner before heading down to the Skunk Works for a full morning of work.  J-P joined us during the same morning.    The most important accomplishment of the day was completion of the RV-7 wings and empennage preparations for their sale.  A separate posting on this blog serves as a gallery for prospective buyers.   We also helped Terry rearrange a few things in the shop in preparation for coming projects.  Andy continued work on the Skycoupe's air inlet scoop and fairing, and it's looking great!

Right wing - ready for sale

RV-expert Joel McLaughlin put many hours into the RV-7 project, here he is with the empennage

Andy Thomson working on the air inlet for the Skycoupe

Closeup of Andy's work - very nice shape!

RV builders Joel and J-P set a final few rivets in the left wing of the RV-7

RV builders Joel and J-P set a final few rivets in the left wing of the RV-7

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Work Session 10/24/2012

A major rearrangement of the shop was made in preparation for some new major projects at the Skunk Works.  Otherwise, Joel and Andy crafted a foam plug for a composite fairing for the airbox inlet.  Kent and newcomer Bryan Gossage began addition of eight angle stiffeners to the seats.  Present were Terry, Jim, Andy, Joel, Kent and Bryan Gossage.

The next work session will be on Saturday, 10/27/2012.  We'll start with breakfast at Al's Diner at 0700, work begins at 0800.  Plenty to do - seats, tail feather rib stitching, aileron fabrication, etc.

Andy sands the inlet plug into shape using TLAR technology

Airbox inlet - Mark I

Andy test fits the plug to the lower cowl

Test fit of the rough airbox inlet fairing to lower cowl

Newcomer Bryan Gossage prepares seat angle parts for drilling

Monday, October 22, 2012

Work Session 10/20/12

BCAC officers met after the EAA chapter meeting to discuss completion & sale of the RV-7 parts, acquisition of a storage trailer, work scheduling, future recruiting, sale of spare carburetor, general financial issues and upcoming major tasks.

Terry, Kent, Andy, Joel, Mike Maltby, Niels & Judy Nielsen and Dan Kangas stopped by the shop on a glorious Indian Summer afternoon to work on the Skycoupe.

Andy and Joel made modifications to the lower cowl and made the first test fit of the airbox.  Dan assisted.

Kent cut, drilled and clecoed the attachment hinge onto the pilot seat.

Welding on the wing struts will take place this week off-line.

Sorry, no pictures, but progress is evident.  As the seats and airbox are being completed, we'll start soon on rib stitching of the tail feathers,  silver coat of the same, and the panel fabrication.  The ailerons also need completion. Once the struts are ready, the wings will be remounted in order to work on the aileron linkages.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Work Session 10/10/2012

Attending this session were Terry, J-P, Mike, Andy, Konrad, Jim and Kent. 

Steady progress was made on the following:
  1. RV-7 wing tank sealed, pressurized and leak testing begun.    Terry and J-P.
  2. Airbox upper plate/filter assembly. Andy and Mike.
  3. Dents in cowling worked on.  Konrad, Jim and J-P.
  4. Large mounting hinge added to back of right seat. Terry and Kent.
The next work session is planned for 10/11/2012, 4-8 PM.

Mike works on nut plates needed for the air box top cover

J-P and Jim prepare the RV-7 tank for leak testing.

RV-7 tank ready for testing - a temporary cover plate with air connection has been added.

MG car expert Konrad explains the art of sheet metal repair, using a set of body dollies he brought along.

Konrad goes to work on one nasty dent while Jim secures the cowl section

Andy and Mike attempt to understand the complicated instructions that came with the airbox

Konrad and Jim inspected the night's work.