BCAC officers met after the EAA chapter meeting to discuss completion & sale of the RV-7 parts, acquisition of a storage trailer, work scheduling, future recruiting, sale of spare carburetor, general financial issues and upcoming major tasks.
Terry, Kent, Andy, Joel, Mike Maltby, Niels & Judy Nielsen and Dan Kangas stopped by the shop on a glorious Indian Summer afternoon to work on the Skycoupe.
Andy and Joel made modifications to the lower cowl and made the first test fit of the airbox. Dan assisted.
Kent cut, drilled and clecoed the attachment hinge onto the pilot seat.
Welding on the wing struts will take place this week off-line.
Sorry, no pictures, but progress is evident. As the seats and airbox are being completed, we'll start soon on rib stitching of the tail feathers, silver coat of the same, and the panel fabrication. The ailerons also need completion. Once the struts are ready, the wings will be remounted in order to work on the aileron linkages.