Remaining tasks on wings prior to covering:
- Fabricate and attach 2" stiffeners along outboard ribs, top and bottom edges.
- Varnish inboard ribs & outboard stiffeners.
- Fabricate and mount two inboard blocks in trailing edge for aileron straps.
- Fabricate and mount two inboard wide blocks in trailing edge.
- Fabricate inboard and outboard leading edge fairings. Yet to be decided is whether to make these from aluminum, as per the original plans, or foam + fiberglass.
- Fabricate two ailerons.
- Install pitot-static probe.
- Install mounting bracket for wingtip navigation lights.
- Install tubing for wiring for navigation lights.
- Decide whether or not to mount landing light in leading edge, then fabricate as required.
Fabric Covering:
- Get prepared! We strongly recommend team members attend the free covering workshop on September 10th during the Triple Tree Aerodrome Fly-In, offered by PolyFiber expert Jerry Stadtmiller.
- September 17-18 : Following the chapter meeting on 9/17, we'll hold the first covering session at Eagle's landing, starting with the empennage parts. Once these are done through rib stitching, we'll cover the wings. This will require two days of work.
- September 24-25: Continue covering of wings through rib stitching.
- September/October : Complete details, eg tapes, and add silver coats to all surfaces.
- November 1: Wings and control surfaces complete through silver coat.
Parallel to fabric covering work, we'll be preparing the engine for its first start, and working on the fuselage to prepare all systems. When we have successfully taxied the uncovered fuselage, we'll add the covering at the final step.
Work Teams - We've defined the following task groups that can be working in parallel. Please give some consideration where you'd like to help.
- Firewall Forward - Engine, prop, controls, etc.
- Airframe electrical - wiring, battery, lights, etc.
- Panel - Engine displays, navigation, radios, intercom, switches, etc.
- Fuselage - Frame, landing gear/brakes, fuel tank, seats, baggage, windshield, cowls, controls, etc.
- Covering - PolyFiber process, painting, markings, etc.
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