A Stitts Skycoupe Restoration Project

The Stitts Skycoupe is also known as Stitts SA7 D

Friday, August 26, 2011

Work Session 8/25/2011

Seven BCAC members, including newbie Michael Payne from Sophia, NC (betcha don't know where that is!), met at the Skunk Works for a pre-hurricane party, and managed to accomplish a fair amount of work, including:
  • Fabrication and installation of four rib stiffeners in wings. These are the final wooden components for the wing!
  • Cleaned the leading edge sheeting and prepared for priming.
  • Long discussions regarding landing lights and aileron fabrication.
  • Determined bolts needed for wing brackets.
Thanks to Terry Gardner, Tim Misegades, Andy Thompson, Michael Payne, Jim Dukeman and Joel McLaughlin for their dedication to our Skycoupe.

The next work session is tentatively planned for 9AM on Saturday, 8/27/2011, where we'll continue work on wing fairings, and begin work on the ailerons.

If you have not already, please consider attending the Triple Tree Aerodrome Fly-In on Saturday, September 10th, to take part in the fabric covering workshop given by expert Jerry Stadtmiller of BIPE Inc.

New Bear Creek Skunk Works member Michael Payne cleans leading edge sheathing.

Andy Thomson and Tim Misegades watch Eagles Landing owner, Pat Hayes, depart in his Pitts S-2E for his evening romp above the field.

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