A Stitts Skycoupe Restoration Project

The Stitts Skycoupe is also known as Stitts SA7 D

Friday, September 21, 2012

Work Session 9/20/12

Jim, Terry, Andy, Chris, Kent and Tim spent several hours assisting Tom Malechuk with planning for the wing struts.   The right wing was mounted and supported at the tip to provide the required two degrees of dihedral.  After some deliberation, it was decided to provide independent mounting of both ends of both fore- and aft struts.  Tom suggested a series of steps, and the first was taken - removal of excess length from the struts, donated by Brian White when he restored his Super Cub a few years ago.  Cutting a section off of the strut allowed us to inspect the inside walls for corrosion - the initial look was good, with a nice coating of the original linseed oil still in place.

Tom also inspected the RV-7 wings and showed a few small blemished we'll remove prior to offering them for sale along with the tailfeathers.

The work session was completed with a light dinner at Al's Diner, to the enjoyment of all.

Tom Malechuck inspects our work on the RV-7 wings.

Andy and Chris check the dihedral angle on the right wing and Terry and Jim look on.

Terry's chop saw makes quick work of the strut.

Outline of needed work on now-shortened strut, to be done in Tom's shop.

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